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目前位置:首頁 > 【企管綜合課程】 > 語言學習.出國留學 > 英 語

課程名稱:     活學活用新概念1.2冊連讀
課程編號: NS_9009 系列: 企管綜合課程
授課單位: 英語網校


全 129 集    課程時長: 62:53:50

授課語言: 中文


 5  片教學光碟  格式: mp4檔

其他說明: 【高清版】解析度:1280x800
簡      介: 虛擬拍攝技術,視頻影像與真實授課完美結合,從單詞、語法、篇章分析等多角度講解,搭配隨堂練習,鞏固所學知識點..........
網路版: NT$ 5745 購 買:
光碟版: 6894 元(優惠中)

光碟版 配送服務僅供(台灣地區)

訂購說明: ◎優惠期間中!光碟版與網路版為均一價,請於結帳時註明




課程目錄 :          (內容與授課時間)            授課總時數: 62:53:50


Lesson1-2 Excuse me → 01:10:17
Lesson3-4 Sorry, sir. → 00:40:56
Lesson5-6 Nice to meet you → 00:42:44
Lesson7-8 Are you a teacher_ → 00:48:39
Lesson9-10 How are you today → 00:30:00
Lesson11-12 Is this your shirt → 00:34:02
Lesson13-14 A new dress → 00:34:11
Lesson15-16 Your passports → 00:32:33
Lesson17-18 How do u do → 00:27:25
Lesson19-20 Tired and thirsty → 00:25:40
Lesson21-22 Which book → 00:29:02
Lesson23-24 Which glasses → 00:16:55
Lesson25-26 Mrs Smith's kitchen → 00:33:49
Lesson27-28 Mrs.Smith's living room → 00:30:59
Lesson29-30 Come in,Amy → 00:26:33
Lesson31-32 Where's Sally → 00:25:44
Lesson33-34 A fine day → 00:32:35
Lesson35-36 Our village → 00:26:27
Lesson37-38 Making a bookcase → 00:21:06
Lesson39-40 Don't drop it → 00:26:08
Lesson41-42 Penny's bag → 00:23:22
Lesson43-44 Hurry up → 00:27:38
Lesson45-46 The boss's letter → 00:22:51
Lesson47-48 A cup of coffee → 00:23:24
Lesson49-50 At the butcher's → 00:27:28
Lesson51 Reward for virtue → 00:25:06
Lesson51-52 A pleasant climate → 00:23:36
Lesson52 A pretty carpet → 00:36:46
Lesson53 Hot snake → 00:37:48
Lesson53-54 An interesting climate → 00:21:56
Lesson54 Sticky fingers → 00:32:12
Lesson55 Not gold mine → 00:34:59
Lesson55-56 The Sawyer family → 00:25:19
Lesson56 Fster than sound → 00:32:02
Lesson57 Can I help you → 00:29:52
Lesson57-58 An unusual day → 00:26:15
Lesson59-60 Is that all → 00:20:05
Lesson61-62 A bad cold → 00:34:01
Lesson63-64 Thank you,doctor → 00:26:40
Lesson65-66 Not a baby → 00:21:23
Lesson67-68 The weekend → 00:31:52
Lesson69-70 The car race → 00:30:43
Lesson71-72 He's awful → 00:20:52
Lesson73-74 The way to king street → 00:32:07
Lesson75-76 Uncomfortable shoes → 00:26:26
Lesson77-78 Terrible toothache → 00:23:31
Lesson79-80 Carol's shopping list → 00:33:14
Lesson81-82 Roast beef and potatoes → 00:22:28
Lesson83-84 Going on holiday → 00:27:13
Lesson85-86 Paris in the spring → 00:30:04
Lesson87-88 A car crash → 00:27:11
Lesson89-90 For sale → 00:38:37
Lesson91-92 Poor Ian → 00:21:29
Lesson93-94 Our new neighbor → 00:22:32
Lesson95-96 Tickets,please → 00:28:35
Lesson97-98 A small blue case → 00:25:08
Lesson99-100 Ow → 00:26:33
Lesson101-102 A card from Jimmy → 00:23:42
Lesson103-104 The french test → 00:27:09
Lesson105-106 Full of mistakes → 00:26:22
Lesson107-108 It's too small → 00:24:06
Lesson109-110 A good idea → 00:29:28
Lesson111-112 The most expensive model → 00:30:06
Lesson113-114 Small change → 00:22:27
Lesson115-116 Knock → 00:28:27
Lesson117-118 Tommy's breakfast → 00:26:18
Lesson119-120 A true story → 00:29:25
Lesson121-122 The man in a hat → 00:29:58
Lesson123-124 A trip to Australia → 00:24:01
Lesson125-126 Tea for two → 00:25:46
Lesson127-128 A famous actress → 00:27:37
Lesson129-130 Seventy miles an hour → 00:26:58
Lesson131-132 Don't be so sure → 00:20:22
Lesson133-134 Sensational news → 00:24:25
Lesson135-136 The latest report → 00:22:22
Lesson137-138 A pleasant dream → 00:25:40
Lesson139-140 Is that you,John → 00:26:26
Lesson141-142 Sally's first train ride → 00:31:32
Lesson143-144 A walk through the woods → 00:40:44


(二) Lesson1 A private conversation → 01:03:53
(二) Lesson2Breakfast or lunch → 00:49:25
(二) Lesson3 Please send me a card → 00:49:48
(二) Lesson4An exciting trip → 00:32:27
(二) Lesson5No Wrong Numbers → 00:35:21
(二) Lesson6 Percy Buttons → 00:40:09
(二) Lesson7 Too late → 00:34:15
(二) Lesson8 the worst and the best → 00:28:38
(二) Lesson9 A cold welcome → 00:35:45
(二) Lesson10 Not for Jazz → 00:33:25
(二) Lesson11 One good turn deserves → 00:28:26
(二) Lesson12 Goodbye and good luck → 00:34:02
(二) Lesson13 The Greenwood Boys → 00:30:53
(二) Lesson14 Do you speak English → 00:28:06
(二) Lesson15 Good news → 00:32:51
(二) Lesson16 a polite request → 00:28:38
(二) Lesson17 Always Young → 00:29:44
(二) Lesson18 He often does this → 00:18:03
(二) Lesson19 Sold out → 00:25:49
(二) Lesson20 One man in a boat → 00:27:24
(二) Lesson21 Mad or not → 00:28:49
(二) Lesson22 A glass envelope → 00:27:29
(二) Lesson23 A new house → 00:31:55
(二) Lesson24 Could be worse → 00:30:49
(二) Lesson25 Do the English speak Eng → 00:35:47
(二) Lesson26 The best art critics → 00:32:53
(二) Lesson27 A wet night → 00:38:18
(二) Lesson28 No Parking → 00:30:37
(二) Lesson29 Taxi → 00:26:08
(二) Lesson30 Football or Polo → 00:26:03
(二) Lesson31 Success story → 00:36:20
(二) Lesson32 shopping made easy → 00:23:06
(二) Lesson33 Out of the darkness → 00:22:14
(二) Lesson34 quick work → 00:23:22
(二) Lesson35 Stop thief! → 00:28:44
(二) Lesson36 Across the Channel → 00:28:50
(二) Lesson37 The Olympic Games → 00:26:34
(二) Lesson38 Everything except the → 00:25:10
(二) Lesson39 Am i all right → 00:21:18
(二) Lesson40 Food and talk → 00:26:35
(二) Lesson41 Do you call that a hat → 00:28:32
(二) Lesson42 Not very musical → 00:26:21
(二) Lesson43 Over the South Pole → 00:24:43
(二) Lesson44 Through the forest → 00:30:40
(二) Lesson45 clear conscience → 00:18:03
(二) Lesson46 Expensive and uncomforable → 00:26:24
(二) Lesson47 A thirsty ghost → 00:17:04
(二) Lesson48 Did_you_want → 00:19:15
(二) Lesson49 The end of a dream → 00:28:31
(二) Lesson50 Taken for a ride → 00:24:49


 NCE 1 Lesson1 2 Excuse m

 NCE 1 Lesson3 4 Sorry, s

 NCE 1 Lesson5 6 Nice to

 NCE 1 Lesson7 8 Are you

 NCE 1 Lesson9 10 How are

 NCE 1 Lesson11 12 Is thi

 NCE 1 Lesson13 14 A new

 NCE 1 Lesson15 16 Your p

 NCE 1 Lesson17 18 How do

 NCE 1 Lesson19 20 Tired

 NCE 1 Lesson21 22 Which

 NCE 1 Lesson23 24 Which

 NCE 1 Lesson25 26 Mrs Sm

 NCE 1 Lesson27 28 Mrs Sm

 NCE 1 Lesson29 30 Come i

 NCE 1 Lesson31 32 Where'

 NCE 1 Lesson33 34 A fine

 NCE 1 Lesson35 36 Our vi

 NCE 1 Lesson37 38 Making

 NCE 1 Lesson39 40 Don't

 NCE 1 Lesson41 42 Penny'

 NCE 1 Lesson43 44 Hurry

 NCE 1 Lesson45 46 The bo

 NCE 1 Lesson47 48 A cup

 NCE 1 Lesson49 50 At the

 NCE 1 Lesson51 Reward fo

 NCE 1 Lesson51 52 A plea

 NCE 1 Lesson52 A pretty

 NCE 1 Lesson53 Hot snake

 NCE 1 Lesson53 54 An int

 NCE 1 Lesson54 Sticky fi

 NCE 1 Lesson55 Not gold

 NCE 1 Lesson55 56 The Sa

 NCE 1 Lesson56 Fster tha

 NCE 1 Lesson57 Can I hel

 NCE 1 Lesson57 58 An unu

 NCE 1 Lesson59 60 Is tha

 NCE 1 Lesson61 62 A bad

 NCE 1 Lesson63 64 Thank

 NCE 1 Lesson65 66 Not a

 NCE 1 Lesson67 68 The we

 NCE 1 Lesson69 70 The ca

 NCE 1 Lesson71 72 He's a

 NCE 1 Lesson73 74 The wa

 NCE 1 Lesson75 76 Uncomf

 NCE 1 Lesson77 78 Terrib

 NCE 1 Lesson79 80 Carol'

 NCE 1 Lesson81 82 Roast

 NCE 1 Lesson83 84 Going

 NCE 1 Lesson85 86 Paris

 NCE 1 Lesson87 88 A car

 NCE 1 Lesson89 90 For sa

 NCE 1 Lesson91 92 Poor I

 NCE 1 Lesson93 94 Our ne

 NCE 1 Lesson95 96 Ticket

 NCE 1 Lesson97 98 A smal

 NCE 1 Lesson99 100 Ow

 NCE 1 Lesson101 102 A ca

 NCE 1 Lesson103 104 The

 NCE 1 Lesson105 106 Full

 NCE 1 Lesson107 108 It's

 NCE 1 Lesson109 110 A go

 NCE 1 Lesson111 112 The

 NCE 1 Lesson113 114 Smal

 NCE 1 Lesson115 116 Knoc

 NCE 1 Lesson117 118 Tomm

 NCE 1 Lesson119 120 A tr

 NCE 1 Lesson121 122 The

 NCE 1 Lesson123 124 A tr

 NCE 1 Lesson125 126 Tea

 NCE 1 Lesson127 128 A fa

 NCE 1 Lesson129 130 Seve

 NCE 1 Lesson131 132 Don'

 NCE 1 Lesson133 134 Sens

 NCE 1 Lesson135 136 The

 NCE 1 Lesson137 138 A pl

 NCE 1 Lesson139 140 Is t

 NCE 1 Lesson141 142 Sall

 NCE 1 Lesson143 144 A wa

 NCE 2 Lesson1 A private

 NCE 2 Lesson2Breakfast o

 NCE 2 Lesson3 Please sen

 NCE 2 Lesson4An exciting

 NCE 2 Lesson5No Wrong Nu

 NCE 2 Lesson6 Percy Butt

 NCE 2 Lesson7 Too late

 NCE 2 Lesson8 the worst

 NCE 2 Lesson9 A cold wel

 NCE 2 Lesson10 Not for J

 NCE 2 Lesson11 One good

 NCE 2 Lesson12 Goodbye a

 NCE 2 Lesson13 The Green

 NCE 2 Lesson14 Do you sp

 NCE 2 Lesson15 Good news

 NCE 2 Lesson16 a polite

 NCE 2 Lesson17 Always Yo

 NCE 2 Lesson18 He often

 NCE 2 Lesson19 Sold out

 NCE 2 Lesson20 One man i

 NCE 2 Lesson21 Mad or no

 NCE 2 Lesson22 A glass e

 NCE 2 Lesson23 A new hou

 NCE 2 Lesson24 Could be

 NCE 2 Lesson25 Do the En

 NCE 2 Lesson26 The best

 NCE 2 Lesson27 A wet nig

 NCE 2 Lesson28 No Parkin

 NCE 2 Lesson29 Taxi

 NCE 2 Lesson30 Football

 NCE 2 Lesson31 Success s

 NCE 2 Lesson32 shopping

 NCE 2 Lesson33 Out of th

 NCE 2 Lesson34 quick wor

 NCE 2 Lesson35 Stop thie

 NCE 2 Lesson36 Across th

 NCE 2 Lesson37 The Olymp

 NCE 2 Lesson38 Everythin

 NCE 2 Lesson39 Am i all

 NCE 2 Lesson40 Food and

 NCE 2 Lesson41 Do you ca

 NCE 2 Lesson42 Not very

 NCE 2 Lesson43 Over the

 NCE 2 Lesson44 Through t

 NCE 2 Lesson45 clear con

 NCE 2 Lesson46 Expensive

 NCE 2 Lesson47 A thirsty

 NCE 2 Lesson48 Did you w

 NCE 2 Lesson49 The end o

 NCE 2 Lesson50 Taken for

課程編號 課 程 名 稱 集 數(全) 主講人(單位) 課程系列
  TS_5004  實用生活英語《高頻話題+必備短句》  全 50  集  英語培訓網校


  NS_5306  新概念英語 通關班 (大學版第四冊)  全 96  集  英語培訓


  NS_5304  新概念英語 通關班 (大學版第三冊)  全 120  集  英語培訓


  NS_5302  新概念英語 通關班 (大學版第二冊)  全 192  集  英語培訓


  BS_1833  商務禮儀精講班  全 11  集  英語培訓


  BS_1832  商務談判精講班  全 20  集  英語培訓


  BS_1831  商務寫作精講班  全 46  集  英語培訓


  NS_9009  活學活用新概念1.2冊連讀  全 129  集  英語網校


  BS_1808  十天突破英語口語精品班  全 30  集  英語培訓


  BS_1804  BEC高級口語應試技巧班  全 10  集  英語證照培訓


  BS_1803  BEC中級詞彙精華班  全 53  集  英語證照培訓


  TS_5021  ACE《最簡化語法》  全 65  集  英語培訓網校


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